Reviewing Super Phone: An Incredible Skip Tracing Tool From Microbilt!
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Reviewing Super Phone: An Incredible Skip Tracing Tool From Microbilt!

Not all debtors are keen on repaying their loans and dues, and sometimes, it can be hard to find someone, who is intentionally avoiding calls and emails. That’s where skip tracing comes in the picture. The term tries to locate debtors, who have ‘skipped’ or have left their address. MicroBilt, which is known for its wide range of skip tracing tools, has designed Super Phone, which is a dynamic product that allows agencies and clients to find locations, addresses, phone numbers of businesses and individuals. While you can check this site to know more, we have a quick review of Super Phone for your help.

What exactly is Super Phone?

Super Phone has been designed as a comprehensive skip tracing tool, which allows users to find records from sources like lenders, telephone carriers, and other service providers. Super Phone has some amazing features, which makes it an ideal choice for many businesses that are in charge of finding skipped tracers.

Features at a glance

MicroBilt has ensured that Super Phone has the maximum number of flexible features one can expect from a standard skip tracing tool. One can look and search for data based on any combination, like address, name, number. It also allows to look for records of businesses, besides finding information on individual debtors. Super Phone is based on extreme research, and MicroBilt’s effort allows users to find data that is otherwise hard to access. One can also find data from landlines, wireless, VoIP and other phones. The product also sends alerts on to how to find more data, and the search option is advanced, with a simplified sheet that allows users to keep a track of their searches.

Super Phone is also aptly priced, which means that the company intends to sell it to a wider range of users, offering the support they need for skip tracing.

Who can consider Super Phone?

In terms of features and how it has been designed, Super Phone should work as an affordable and well-balanced solution for initial stages of skip tracing. For companies that are dealing with recovery, collections, or for businesses that need to update their contacts of debtors, there is no denying that this skip tracing tool will come in handy.

Taking the final call

Skip tracing requires a set of tools that can be relied upon, and Super Phone ticks the right boxes for the right reasons. MicroBilt has managed to create a product that will suffice the needs of small businesses and debt collectors, who don’t want to spend on a skip tracing tool that’s too expensive, at least immediately. You can check MicroBilt’s website for more details, and they also offer other ID verification products that may come in handy for your business.


Super Phone from MicroBilt deserves the attention it has been getting so far, and it will come off as a tool that will help users find details and do skip tracing in budget. The features are definitely worth the price paid.